Do not underestimate cute little monkeys

What I am about to tell you in this blog is something I have never experienced before and by looking back on it I can fortunately still laugh.
This morning very early we went up the Nandi Hills to see the sunrise. Since it was so early we had to bring our breakfast which were a couple of bananas (keep those bananas in mind because it plays a key role in this story).

After a rough trip in which we were not quite used to this particular Indian driving style yet we arrived on top of the hill. It was a beautiful sunrise, I had never seen the sun so big and red. Not only was the hill crowded by a lot of people but we also got some company from monkeys. And of course we were all adoring them and saying "Aahh look at those cute little monkeys" and taking tons of pictures of them. But this image of a cute little monkey disappeared quite soon. You will find out why.

When the sun was up we decided to explore the hill some more and so walked and at some point we had to go down some stairs. I was walking ahead of Anine and Richelle and I came across a monkey and yes I was one of those tourists too and I stopped to take a picture. However, out of the blue the monkey ran towards me and I realized that it was attacking me. In the blink of an eye he was pulling my bag and I tried to pull it back but it turned out that this little monkey is quite strong and he refused to let go. Since I was standing on the stairs I lost my balance and eventually fell down .... but due to my fall the monkey finally let go and I quickly ran up the stairs, facing two flabbergasted girls; Anine and Richelle who stood there frozen to the ground and with their eyes wide open. They saw this scene all happening and happily we could have a good laugh afterwards. Then I started to realize what the monkey was after: the bananas. He might have smelled them and of course he likes some bananas for breakfast too.

This conclusion was proven by the next event. After this incident we found a quiet spot to eat our bananas, but we didn't eat them all at once and so the plastic bag with bananas was placed next to me. While I was enjoying the view I suddenly heard a noise next to me and then I faced another monkey which already claimed the bag of bananas next to me. He ate some bananas and ran away with it. The four of us were again amazed by what happened. So the stories of monkeys stealing your personal stuff definitely are true, fortunately we only lost some bananas.


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